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Take your practice to the next level with this specialized machine that adds dynamic resistance through adjustable springs. This intensified workout offers a more dynamic and engaging experience compared to traditional mat-based Pilates. Strengthen, tone, and refine your body with Reformer Pilates – it's a transformative journey awaiting you


Find Your Flow


The Go Pilates Studio

Get ready to experience pilates in a whole new way – one that's all about you. Our studio is your sanctuary, where you can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on what truly matters: your well-being.

At Go Pilates, we're all about keeping it real. No frills, no fuss – just pilates, plain and simple. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a total newbie, our single-person sessions are designed for everyone. Just set your Reformer resistance springs, hit play, and let the magic happen.

Our Balanced Body® Reformer pilates machine can accommodate a 6 ft+ tall individual and adds a dynamic element to your workout, intensifying the experience with resistance provided by adjustable springs. As you move through each exercise, you'll feel the challenge and engagement deepen, resulting in a more dynamic and invigorating session compared to traditional mat-based Pilates.

So why wait? Join us and discover the joy of pilates on your terms. It's time to prioritize your health and happiness – one session at a time.

Choose the most comfortable way to train


How it Works

Understanding the foundation of movement allows for a safe, supportive practice



Book Your Class

Choose the time and date that works for you. Each session offers 60 minutes of solitude to strengthen and flex with focus.


Video Guide or Pilate Alone

Select the one of the many pilates instruction videos that matches your fitness level. Or skip the video and workout your own way. 


Equipment Friendly

Our Balanced Body® Reformer is ready to use! Set the Reformer to your preferred resistance levels and your session is ready to start. 


Schedule Ahead

With individual sessions, you can train on your schedule. Easy 60-minute sessions give you the freedom and flexibility to book when you're ready.

*No piggyback appointments.

**Overstaying past your appointment will result in a fine.


Scheduling Made Easy

Reformer Pilates Private Session

A single-person session for Balanced Body® Reformer pilates.


Unwind and Strengthen

Get ready for a one-hour, full-body strategic workout complete with a warming start, a refreshing cool-down, and rejuvenating stretches. Experience an injury-safe, impact-free exercise class focused on healing movement and injury prevention techniques.

Book your exercise where you don't need to bring a thing – we've got you covered with all the necessary equipment.


How to use a
Balanced Body® Reformer


Learn the Balanced Body® Reformer
(Machine can accommodate a 6 ft+ tall individual) 

The Balanced Body® Reformer machine consists of five key components: the carriage, the footbar, the pulleys, the springs, and the heavy duty platform.

The Footbar


Provides stability and adjusts to different heights for user comfort.

The Carriage


Your workout stage, it glides along rails and adjusts for varied challenge levels.

The Pulleys & Straps


Attached to the carriage, they offer resistance for limb movement.

The Springs


Offer adjustable resistance, connecting the carriage and footbar.

The Heavy Duty Platform


The Heavy Duty Platform, crafted from durable metal, ensures stability during standing exercises. For safety, please wear non-skid socks. Adding or subtracting springs adjusts the challenge level of exercises.

Mastering Balanced Body® Reformer Pilates Positions

Ready to explore the array of positions on the Balanced Body® Reformer machine? Here are some handy tips to kickstart your journey.

Lying on Your Back


Maintain a neutral spine alignment, ensuring a straight line from ears to hips.

Seated Position


Keep shoulders down and back, and pelvis in a neutral position for stability.

Standing Position


Distribute weight evenly between both feet to maintain balance and avoid overloading one leg.

Engage Your Core


Throughout your workout, focus on engaging your core muscles to support your lower back and enhance overall results.

When using the Balanced Body® Reformer, start slow and increase intensity gradually as your body adapts. Focus on controlled breathing to synchronize movement.
Our Services

Get in touch

Working Hours

Mon - Sat 5:00AM - 9:00PM

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